Map of the Enlitic Peninsula

An Overview of the Eastern Frontier

Is there truly so much untapped potential just beyond those mountains? Such vast swathes of land occupied by such a cruel and vicious foe.
— King Harál of Enliten upon seeing the finished map
  The Map of the Enlitic Peninsula is, as the name suggests, a map that depicts the Enlitic peninsula and its surroundings in the year 1567 AA. This exquisite depiction of the region was commissioned by Harál Herwik, the King of Enliten, in 1565, along with the consent of his advisors in the Council of Helí. Much of the northern parts of the map, the territories that extend beyond the Enlitic mountains and the Central Pass, are highly speculative, as folk believe that those lands are swarming with aberati.  


It took around half a year to sketch out, draw, and colour the map itself, only a quarter of the overall time that the cartographer had spent on it. The unnamed creator took his commitments to accuracy seriously, and he didn’t want to leave the northern reaches of the peninsula blank. To solve his lack of knowledge surrounding that area, the cartographer spent months looking through old records in the libraries of Lotwerstá and Eberstêi, uncovering tomes that many had considered long lost.   Once he was certain that there were no more books or scrolls that could aid him in his quest, the cartographer sought the assistance of hardy seamen whose journeys had led dangerously close to those unexplored shores. Interviewing sailors in Valskaen revealed vital information surrounding the coast of Káplan and, to a lesser degree, in Uletterlin.  

Completion of the Map

After a year and a half of arduous research and questioning, the time had come to finally draw the map. Over the course of six slow months of work, the cartographer created his masterwork from his room in the king’s palace in Lotwerstá. There were many in court that criticised the mysterious nameless artist for taking so long whilst partaking in the court’s numerous feasts and celebrations as he also consumed several decadent cups of hot chocolate every week.   King Harál was content to wait as he was in no hurry and had faith that his cartographer would prove his worth in due time. Finally, to commemorate the start of the new year, the artist presented the map to the king at a grand feast. The court seemed thrilled, and the cartographer was paid handsomely for his work.
Item type
Creation Date
1565 - 1567 AA
Current Location
Current Holder
96.5x71 cm
Raw materials & Components

Current Location

The map is currently in possession of King Harál of Enliten who proudly displays it in a meeting room in his palace in Lotwerstá where he discusses stately matters with his advisors in the Council of Helí.   Servants have mentioned that the map is brought out and laid across the meeting table whenever they need a solid overview of the realm. When it’s not in active use, the map is displayed on the wall, safely protected by a clear glass panel which allows viewers to gaze upon it without being able to get their greasy fingers on it.

The Map of the Enlitic Peninsula is, as the name suggests, a map that depicts the Enlitic peninsula and its surroundings in the year 1567 AA. This exquisite depiction of the region was commissioned by Harál Herwik, the King of Enliten, in 1565, along with the consent of his advisors in the Council of Helí.   Much of the northern parts of the map, the territories that extend beyond the Enlitic mountains and the Central Pass, are highly speculative, as folk believe that those lands are swarming with aberati.


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Feb 10, 2024 17:51 by Dimitris Havlidis

Absolutely stunning work Dhelian

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Feb 12, 2024 15:27 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that you've explained how the cartographer got his information from mostly books and the tales of seamen. I kept expecting him to have hopped on a ship for a bit, but he hadn't, and I really like that. :D

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