The Northern Souls, The Tribals, and the Frozenborn. Ethnicity in Lenrevy | World Anvil
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The Northern Souls, The Tribals, and the Frozenborn.

The Northerners of the Ancspire Mountains. Those forged in the ancient metals of civilizations long passed back to the hands of nature. They're tough, but kind. Typically forming small bands that never set up long term housing as they rove following the herds of large herbivores that provide them with food, clothes and other materials to survive. Unlike the Southerners of Lenrevy they hold no qualms in using the overabundance of forgotten metals and exploring the Iron-Skeletons of the Ancspire range, but typically have less grasp on the magical arts as they are highly insular and typically don't greet outsiders.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

The Northerners are highly gendered in their naming schema. feminine names typically ending in a. Common feminine names include:   Odella, Sophia, Andrea, Kristina, Milla, Nia, Skyla,

Masculine names

Masculine names for the Northerns are typically names pulled from nature. Common masculine names include:   River, Sky, Rock, Fire, Hunter, Oak, Rowan.

Family names

Northerners don't adopt family names as each individual is given a 'Gifted' name upon reaching adulthood that reflects a completed trial or particular strength they have exhibited since childhood. typically a blending of two words into a single word. Common 'Gifted' names include:   Ironsoul, Healingwind, Forgearm, Sunderfist.


Major language groups and dialects

Northern Dialect and Tribal-Tongue.

Common Etiquette rules

There are very few rules for those living in the Northern Tribes:   1.Respect your Elders. They are more wise, fought more, and accomplished more than you.   2.To Steal from a neighbor means death for two houses. With the harsh conditions of the Northern Spires it's not uncommon that stealing from a neighbor would mean you'd be put to death for stealing clothing/food/resources while they would starve/freeze from said conditions meaning one selfish act ended two families.   3. Traditions are just that. Traditions. Every Northerner isn't expected to follow tradition, but there's generally more respect for those that follow 'the old ways'.

Common Dress code

In the cold of the Northern Spires. The only dress code is what keeps you warm.   Thick fur and animal hide leather clothes, heavy facial hair on men, and long hair typically braided and wrapped around the neck on women.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerary rites depends on how the individual died in the North.   Those that died in ways that there was no body to recover are memorialized in story and song, but aside from that aren't given a standing memorial. Whereas those that die of age, disease, or anything where there is a recoverable body are buried and have a Cairn erected over their grave.

Major organizations

The Frozen Tribes of the Ancspire - The 'Nation'. The Cabal - A 'secret' mages guild.

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