Lenory in Lenoryverse | World Anvil
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Lenory, the universe, is an incomprehensibly large world, giving home to everything, from vast barren planets, through solar systems full of life, to empires that reach galaxies. This is the place of everything that was, is and will. In the beginning, there were two Titans, Kopper and Trebett. They created, and ruled over Lenory, a universe they created to escape from their own. Where did they really come from, no one knows. For hundreds of thousands of years, Lenory was nothing else but a star cloud with a lot of barren planets, until they decided to fill it up with life.


Each day, Kopper and Trebett gifted each other planets, stars and comets as a token for their friendship, but when Kopper thought that Trebett became more and more depressed, he sacrificed his astral form, to fill the universe with lives, with individual thoughts to admire her. To do that, he used his own powers to slice his soul into uncountable pieces, and spread it over Lenory, so Trebett would be worshiped wherever she might go. She was so pleased with this gift, that as a gratitude she did the same; in return, she gave the people feelings, hope, goals and wisdom, so wherever they are, they never have to feel alone, or miserable. The two Titans then descended and ruled over their newfound subjects, and treated each of them like they would treat each other, as each soul in Lenory is a piece of themselves. They watched over them, and they were so pleased that their subjects love each other, to the Titans, it was like seeing their unconditional love for each other in millions of ways simultaneously.


When their subjects' had children, they grew up and they had their own children, Kopper noticed that gradually, his subjects' love for Trebett's faded. Little did he know, Trebett also noticed the same thing with her own. Decade by decade, to Kopper, watching over their subjects was like watching Trebett fall into depression over and over again, millions of times at once, just like before they gave life to the universe, when they were at their full power. Trebett's subjects became more disoriented, Kopper's subjects became more and more aggressive. Without the other knowing, they both decided to get rid of the subjects the other would not be pleased with, so they made an appearance, and commanded them to follow their guiding, as if they not, eternal torture will be their reward. The Titans became feared, and showed no mercy for those who didn't bend their knees to them. Soon this system became so efficient that it became self-sustaining and Lenory was full of preachers and kings who commanded their people to follow the Titan's teachings.


Their effort was in vain, as they saw as their subjects became more miserable. This visionary made them blame each other, and question their own love. They saw millions of souls of their own, betrayed, cheated, and killed. There was no doubt that their love just faded. They both tried to come up with a solution, but it just made the argument more heated. In that moment Kopper snapped, and out of anger, he banished Trebett to the Ghost Realm, and ordered his people to cleanse the Lunarians from the land, and everyone who worshiped her.
Trapped in the Ghost Realm, Trebett watched over her subjects helplessly, seeing them slowly purged away. Heartbroken and alone, she heard a whisper in her solitude. A former Celestial student, called Nasedis, was praying for help. She told Trebett about Kopper’s plan, but little she could do from the Ghost Realm. The only possible way is to warn the people of the Moonlight Kingdom, but who would believe a former Celestial? So Trebett relied on Nasedis to find Armei, her most trusted student, someone the Lunarians would follow.
Wandering the land with haste, but not aimlessly, she found her. Armei; once a potent student, now a fearless warrior. It took her no long to convince about Kopper’s terrible plan, as she was already dealing with defending the villages from the patrolling Celestial armies. Nasedis told her that Trebett is still alive, and there is hope. While this sounded too good to be true, the situation was so severe that Armei had no choice but to trust her. She, her personal army and Nasedis marched into the forest at night, out of the reach of the Celestial army. Fearing this was but a trick to distract them. After a short wait, Armei and her soldiers put Nasedis in shackles as they were ready to leave the place. Then Trebett appeared in the picture of the Moon, leaving the soldiers and Armei frozen. Trebett told them that as much as she loves Kopper, he must be stopped. So long as he lives, peace cannot be between the two nations. “But a Titan cannot be killed… that is why I trust you with the sword “Dawnstar”, and the remainmants of my powers”. After the offering, she sent them on a mission, to bring hope to the land, and restore the peace. With their newfound abilities, they united, and formed a league, and wandered through the land, spreading the message, and aiding the people. They called themselves…

The Moonguards

With more and more people joining them, even from the Celestial side, The Moonguards put an end to Kopper's rule, and brought peace in a few years. Armei became the rightful ruler of the Moonlight Kingdom, while Nasedis became the empress of the Celestial Empire. They, and the moonguards were guiding their people, to restore the peace between the two nations. After they served their purpose, they vanished.
Thousands and thousands of years passed since their absence, nothing more remained about them but stories and legends about these ancient warriors. This story is now more a myth, than actual history. The world and its people have changed a lot since then; with more advanced technology, modern cities and social media. War is not quite out of the fashion yet, but Lenory is more peaceful than ever before.

However, the appearance of people who seem to have gained their supernatural power out of nowhere overnight is troubling. If this is the reappearance of the Moonguards, that can only mean one thing.

The world is once again facing a grave danger.

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