The Last Resistance Organization in Legends | World Anvil
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The Last Resistance

This alliance between Taliesin, Cadman, Kennocha, and Mangalan began after the Enemy won the Battle of Zalimar Island, and lasted until his defeat at the Battle of Zavinia. It was founded for the sole purpose of winning the War of the Enemy, with its key members all becoming heroes after the war. Many of the same members were also heavily involved in the War of the Firebird, though the organization was never reformed.


Led by a council of high-ranking members of all four kingdoms involved. Lothiriel Kelwyn held position of Commander of the armies and tended to be the de facto leader when disagreements arose.

Public Agenda

To defeat the Enemy and restore peace to the worlds. To end the Enemy's occupation of Taliesin.


The armies of Taliesin, Kennocha, Mangalan, and Cadman. The weaponry manufactured in Cadman. The iriel. Three out of five High Powers, two Namers, and a Great One.


Founded immediately after the Battle of Zalimar Island, the Resistance fought against the Enemy for one hundred years until the Second Battle of Morgance, when much of the leadership was captured. Those that escaped were later captured, but were fortunately freed to start the Battle of Zavinia. A small sector managed to escape to the city of Morgance, and were the only ones never captured at any point during the war.


After the end of the War of the Enemy, the organization was no longer required, and was dissolved. However, the groundwork it laid soon evolved into the Inter-World Alliance.

December 6th, Year 60016 - June 14th, Year 60117

Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
The Resistance
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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