Wasir Ethnicity in Layeil | World Anvil
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The Wasir are bipedal wolfmen with man-like arms and hands, but pawed feet, and wolf-like heads. They have fur colors that range from white, brown, and black. They have yellow canine-like eyes. Most Wasir are not given names, but instead pack titles such as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega.
  The Wasir are hunters and arm themselves with bow and knives. Some ‘Alphas’ carry swords gifted to them by the Essanti.
  The Wasir live in packs. These packs are led by ‘Alphas’, or pack leaders. The Wasir packs compete with one another for territory, supplies, mates, and sometimes just to show their own dominance. The packs also contain many regular wolves. These wolves, although unable to communicate with the Wasir, seem to understand their desires and follow their lead. These wolves are treated more like family members rather than pets. Both the Wasir and the Narasign arrived to the forest nation of Enilaar after the Sundering, in which the Essanti offered them sanctuary. All the packs serve the Essanti, whom they call “The Masters” and will immediately set aside any differences should any member of the Essanti race demand them to do so. The Wasir act as the Essanti’s security within Enilaar. The Wasir dislike the Narasign, calling them “Oath-breakers” due to many of the Narasign leaving the Essanti to establish their own nation. Individuals which have been exiled from Enilaar are known as the “Packless”. The Packless rarely travel far from their former home.
  All Wasir slingers can access the sphere ability of Rend. Wasir do not have any special title for their slingers, but they usually end up as Alphas or Betas (Second-in-Command).

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