Vork Species in Layeil | World Anvil
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The Vork, a mid-race, are approximately 6 feet tall, with slender, wiry bodies. Their hides are tough and wispy hair protrudes in small tufts across their bodies and cheeks. The Vork have long gnarled fingers and sharp retractable claws. The Vork also have extremely yellow eyes that glow in the dark reflecting any light nearby, and also allowing them to see in near pitch black. The Vork Empire once ruled all of Layeil. It was during this time the Vork eradicated the Dar race, and nearly wiped out the Kin as well. During the height of Vork power the Third Awakening began. Although the Vork were able to survive the awakening, heavy casualties were taken and significant damage was done to their Empire. A combination of multiple uprisings from the Human and Therian races, along with constant infighting brought about their Empire's downfall, known as the Sundering. The Vork now mainly reside in the brutal land of Ashkpal but are known to live within many of the harsh Old Kingdoms territories. The Vork acknowledge physical power more then anything else, and are known to eat their own if deemed weak. The Vork have acknowledged some humans as worthy of their loyalty, such as King Terrak, a half-human, half-vork of Vorath. The greatest and most respected Vork though is Queen Miress of Ashkpal.

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