Naga Ethnicity in Layeil | World Anvil
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The Naga are not bipedal, but have the lower bodies of snakes, although they have man-like torsos, arms, and hands. They have human-like heads, but snake-like eyes. Their bodies are covered in scales. They have regenerative abilities and the ability to launch venomous spines from their tails. After launching these spines it usually takes a few days for them to regrow.     The Naga secrete venom from their blood and saliva and often coat their blades and arrows in their venom before battle. The Naga are proficient with scimitars and bows.   The Naga do not really follow any centralized government but instead form into many small bands. Curiously enough none of the Naga clans war with each other and if any issue arises between bands the issues can be brought before a queen. The Naga Queen has no spoken name, addressed as My Queen by the Naga, and the Naga Queen by the other races. The Naga Queen rarely leaves the safety of her cave tunnel systems below the Garuda isles and very few members of the other races have ever met her.   All Naga slingers can access the sphere ability of Compulsion, but only the Naga Queen is said to be able to compel twenty resistant individuals at once.   The Naga are allied with King Lemieul Gorrad of the Old Kingdom Kadox. They are bitter rivals with the Garuda Empire, and have been in constant conflict. This is due to the Naga believing the Garuda islands belong to them. Unfortunately for the Naga, they have been on the losing side of the conflict for over 200 years.

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