Faw Ethnicity in Layeil | World Anvil
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The Faw are bipedal salamander/lizardmen with man-like limbs, and salamander or lizard-like heads. The Faw with Salamander-like characteristics lack scales and have a smooth skin and prefer wetlands, while those with Lizard-like characteristics are covered in scales and prefer arid locations.     The Faw are known for their amazing skills with spears, but also carry an assortment of knives in both their swamp and desert climates.   Although there are many Faw tribes, the Faw have only 4 ruling tribes which co-exist, in a symbiotic relationship, with the 4 ruling Broegot tribes, although certain rivalries exist between all 8 of the ruling tribes. The Faw were the first to settle the swamplands of Issfaw after the Sundering of the Old Kingdoms. The Broegot arrived later as refugees of the Sundering, having become landless and their numbers nearly decimated to the point of extinction. The Faw welcomed them into their swamp, where the Broegot flourished. Some of the Faw later traveled and began habituating the outskirts of the Great Seal desert. The four Faw ruling tribes consist of the Krakaa tribe, a desert tribe, led by a member of the “Eight”, known as “The Scarbourne”, named Skarrarr. The Krakaa tribe are a nomadic desert tribe and train large lizard steeds, called Basilisks. Chieftain Skararr’s basilisk is named Krarr. The second tribe is Tribe Waaryth, a swamp tribe, of extremely large Faw. These Faw are the largest individuals of the 8 tribes and are known for their aggressive personalities. The third tribe is the Tythaar tribe. These Faw are the smaller statured of the swamp Faw tribes but of average height and build when compared to their desert counterparts, as well as the Broegot tribes. Finally the fourth tribe is the Sartaar tribe, also known as ‘Fire-spitters’ and are a tribe of Faw slingers.   The Faw can sling the sphere ability of Fire. The Sartaar tribe is the only tribe which holds no lands or territories and instead is split among the other three Faw tribes, although the chieftain of the Sartaar tribe, Aarthaa, resides in the capital of Issfaw, the Village of Gathering.   The 8 tribes have been approached by the Grand Republic multiple times about joining but many of the tribes are hesitant. Only chieftain Skarrarr has stated his desire for the tribes to join, while chieftain Machat of the Stripetongue tribe has declared his opposition to the idea.

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