The Coronation of Queen Reina Dronorim Plot in Larissia | World Anvil
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The Coronation of Queen Reina Dronorim

It has been almost a week since the death of Lord Raja Dronorim and Lady Sara Helder-Kane at the The New Life Festival in Woodhaven.



Pimlos Hozzlenuts is in one of his warehouse offices shortly after closing up for the night. He notices Marcov Vidak is in his seat. "Tomorrow morning Prince Jacen Anvilo of Moonwatch is arriving in Aleridge by ship. He will have work for you to help ensure that following this 'transitional period' you will still have a flourishing business, or shouldI say businesses."
Prince Jacen Anvilo is docked at the small port town of Kondore for supplies and to stretch the crews legs after having sailed for nearly a week. A Kenku by the name Afwala approaches the Prince with a sealed letter.



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