The Beast of Farnfoss Lodge Plot in Larissia | World Anvil
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The Beast of Farnfoss Lodge

Farnfoss Lodge is a Dwarven settlement in Hransfall on the edge of the Ardenne Grasslands and the Whispy Mountains built into a giant stone crag. The lodge is home to mountain and hill Dwarves alike, who although somewhat reclusive are often hospitable to visitors.

Plot points/Scenes

The Elven Archaeologist is visiting the Ardenne Grasslands to find and study the Dark Henges of Lucious. His previous investigations have led him to the edge of The Sipher Trenches, a day's walk from Farnfoss Lodge. Just before breaking off from the road, the Genasi Bard stumbles upon the elf; a perfect source of new material.
The Dwarven Hunter is several miles out from Farnfoss Lodge hunting for game. He is currently on the trail of some reindeer. The Human Fighter was encouraged by Lord Ebmek IronBrew to "take some time off" and join The Dwarven Fighter in the hunt.
The Dwarven Fighter is monitoring the Dwarven Rogue's community service, who is picking up trash on the edge of the Farnfoss Lodge because he was caught fighting in The RoseNose Tavern (again).



Individual Character Intros
  • The Guard Captain is late and needs to head off to work. Says goodbye to his wife Myrri and his dog Tom. Hulrim Sharpspark, who's got the night shift, is walking towards you holding onto the arm of a younger Dwarf lad in bindings. "Your shift starts just in time for you to take this drunken brawler to do his community service; trash duty on the Southern edge of town." The guard hands Captain the dwarf's gear and heads home.
  • Sorcerer and possibly Bard are on the edge of The Sipher Trenches looking for the Dark Henges of Lucious. They find it and the black goo in the stone. Ancient infernal writing is on the stones and they are black as night. One large "archway" henge stands taller than all the others. Once the goo is released it flings itself away at tremendous speed and is lost. It went North.
  • The Hunter is on the trail of some reindeer. Once he has succeeded at downing one of the beasts, it gets up with black eyes and black ooze seeping out of its mouth and nose. It runs away before he gets a chance to do anything. But then he notices The Sorcerer coming out of the Forbidden Sipher Trenches, and knows it's his duty to bring the tresspasser to Farnfoss Lodge.
  • Meet the Captain and Prisoner


Upon entering town, a dwarven woman approaches and informs Captain that his wife is in the temple receiving healing from a dog attack. - - - His dog was hit by a cart earlier in the day, and when the captain's wife went to get the body it got up and bit her then ran out of the town southwards.
Plot type
Monster Hunt

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