Curse of Castle Roldor Part I Plot in Larissia | World Anvil
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Curse of Castle Roldor Part I



It is 892. The Protectors of Larissia are holding the oath ceremony for the new members in the courtyard of Ellen Keep in Woodhaven. After the ceremony Dorian Galad requests the party meet him in his office for a mission briefing.
Lord Baldus Samburn of Castle Roldor on the eastern edge of Valdwen has requested The Protectors' assistance in dealing with a group of bandits that has kidnapped the Lord's betrothed, Franja Terset. The group has been causing other trouble as well, such as stealing food and attacking Roldor guards. Castle Roldor lays 5-6 days east of Woodhaven, on the southern edge of Chelm Wood, where it meets the Embalt Peaks.

Rising Action

While travelling to Castle Roldor, a bright blue flash can be spotted above the Whispy Mountains to the north, and a large meteor emerges, with a smaller meteor following it. The smaller meteor breaks off and lands close to the party in the Barton Forest. The small meteor is actually "Nemisis", Jett "Buck" Rodgers's fighter, or at least what is left of it. He can be found dangling from a tree by his parachute, with hungry Displacer Beasts at his feet.
The protectors enter the foggy Chelm Wood and eventually make their way to Castle Roldor as a light drizzle sprinkles, making everything dark and dreary. The Gates are closed (due to recent bandit attacks, and guards stand atop the walls.
The peasants stare at the visitors, some clinging to small groups and whispering to each-other, others set down what they were doing and quickly lock themselves in their homes. The people look downtrodden, tired, and maybe a little sad as well.
The gates to the castle itself are locked. Lord Baldus' hand, Jondrick, will come to the door if needed, but will let the party know the Lord is not receiving visitors; his illness has been wearing on him heavily as of recent.


Bandits wait on the edge of the Embalt Peaks, ready to ambush any who wander too close to their camp.


Near the end of the encounter with the bandits, the party is surprised by a magical lightning bolt transporting Franja Terset and the leader of the bandits. Franja, in a booming voice demands for the fighting to stop.   To be continued...

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