Magic Missile - Sorcery Spell in Lands of Ezarion | World Anvil
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Magic Missile - Sorcery

Spell Stats
Damage: 2.

Effect: None

Range: Medium

Casting Time: 1 Action

Stat Requirment: 1 Focus

Mana Cost: 1 Mana

Magic School: Sorcery

Magic missile is the easiest spell in the world, so easy in fact that it could be cast in ones sleep without ever realizing.

"-but despite the spell doing little to no damage, you better believe I left the bastard with rainbows all over his skin!"
~Quote from the second running of Gandoras magic duel.

Magic missile is the most common spell in the world. Its not a rare occurrence that those gifted in magic accidentally cast this spell for their very first introduction to magic, and it is the first spell those who are not gifted are tasked to cast. It's considered a sorcery and is simply the easiest spell to learn. Magically inclined guardsmen tend to use this spell to mark disguised criminals with Rainbow spots, that way they can find the culprit later based on the markings.

Side/Secondary Effects

Targets who have been hit by magic missile can suffer from "Rainbow spots". These cause splotches of bright colors to appear on ones skin.


Magic Missile fires from either the end of a wand or the palm of ones hand, immediately jettisoning a colorful orb in the aimed direction.

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