The Underjungle Geographic Location in Kralærius Stratonexus | World Anvil
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The Underjungle

A hunter slowly and carefully draws a bow to take aim at a four armed gorilla in the bio luminescence of a subterranean forest. A gatherer climbs an enormous tree to the faint green glow of the moss towards a strange pear like fruit speckled with glowing dots. A ranger curses as she steps on an strange fungal plant that lets out an eerie shriek, bringing a murder of strange bat like blood suckers down on her.   This is the Underjungle. It is the strangest and deadliest place in the Underlabyrinth.


The Underjungle is a collection of several caverns in the network underneath the Citradex Terminus. These cave forests range from a few city blocks in size to hundreds of miles in diameter. They are often cut by an underground river feeding water to the alien fauna within. Due to the bio luminescence of most of the plants in these vast forests the light levels in them are often comparable to that of a full moon hidden behind a heavy fog.

Fauna & Flora

All manners of deadly predators lurk within the Underjungle stalking their unaware prey. One prime example is the Displacer. This terrifying creature resembles a six-legged panther with two tentacles sprouting out its shoulders. Another is the Howlshriek. Little is known about this unnatural beast except that it lures its unsuspecting prey in with illusions before springing its trap. A more docile, but no less dangerous, beast is the great hammer-headed Charger. The Charger is a massive six-legged lumbering monster with a head similar to a hammerhead shark. Though these beasts do not outright hunt down those who foray into the Underjungle they are highly territorial and will charge any creature who meets eye contact or does not show signs of submissiveness or reverence while passing through their territory because they see this as a challenge to their dominance over their domain. Yet another dominance minded creature is the Macrosimiæ. These creatures resemble large apes with four arms and large tusks. They live in tribes off the fruit in the strange trees of the area and fight any creature who challenges their dominance in a brutal unarmed ritual combat to the death. In the sky murders of Sturges swarm thirsty for blood.
Alternative Name(s)
The Cave Forests, The Cavern Jungles, or The Netherwood.
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
Location under

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