Niwa Hirotada Character in Kozakura | World Anvil
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Niwa Hirotada

Shugo-daimyo of Miyama Province

Niwa Hirotada is the shugo-daimyo of Miyama Province. Appointed by the
shikken as a reward for assistance in the struggles with the Hojo, Niwa is a loyal supporter of the the Takenaka cause. He and his family have been retainers of the Takenaka for several decades.   Niwa is a small, wiry man of keen intelligence and cunning wit. He is normally quite straightforward and honest, although he seldom reveals any unnecessary details in conversation. He is extraordinarily patient and has developed a long-sighted view of affairs. Although concerned about the immediate effects of his actions, his main goal is to strengthen and maneuver his family into a dominant position. To this end, he is building a base of power in the province. He sees that the factions of the court and bakufu (shogunate) are slowly destroying each other. The time is coming when he will have to rule the province of Miyama without outside assistance.   He is married and quite devoted to his eight-year-old son, Yukiie. His wife, the daughter of Takenaka Sugawara, is also expecting another child. His loyalty to the head of the Takenaka family and his wife's relationship to Takenaka Sugawara place Niwa in a difficult political position. Currently, he is attempting to remain neutral in any family rivalries.
Niwa Hirotada-Portrait Card.png
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Shugo-daimyo of Miyama Province
Black, long, top knot
140 lbs
Aligned Organization
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