Quartermaster in Korvalia | World Anvil
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It isn't much good being on a ship if it's not going somewhere. While it may be all about the journey, the quartermaster is the one who gets that journey to the destination. Keen senses of the sea and the sky make the quartermaster unparalleled in navigating a safe journey for the captain and the crew. Many quartermasters take to the crow's nest for its visual advantages as well as to be more attuned to the weather and the stars.

Proficiencies, Starting Equipment, and Innate Magic

As a rank 1 quartermaster, you automatically gain a tome of scrolls and maps, quill, ink, candles, compass, sextant, spyglass, and 50ft of hempen rope.

Role Features

Eye on the Horizon


At rank I, the quartermaster gains advantage on any Perception checks or Survival checks made to ascertain the whereabouts of the ship, the weather, the state of the water, the nature of the ship's environment, or to identify threats from outside the ship.

Wind for the Sails


The quartermaster gains innate magical ability to affect the wind in the sails, allowing for fast maneuvering in an emergency. At rank I, the quartermaster may cast gust of wind directly into the ship’s sails which they can cast a number of times equal to twice the quartermaster’s rank per long rest. Doing so will grant advantage to any Maneuver check made by the helmsman for the duration of that spell.

Eye in the Sky


At rank II, the quartermaster also gains the innate magical ability to cast Arcane Eye spell once per long rest.

Talk to the Map


At rank II, the quartermaster also becomes the owner of the magical item Sentient Map of Naval Guidance.

Eye of the Storm


At rank III, the quartermaster also gains the innate magical ability to cast call lightning, clairvoyance, and control weather spells once per long rest.

Master of the Map


At rank III, the relationship between the Sentient Map of Naval Guidance and the quartermaster deepens. The map range now reveals 10 miles in any direction, the quartermaster may ask it 3 questions per long rest, and the map gains the ability to discuss the nature of any other ships within this range. This information includes how many and what type of creatures are aboard a ship, the number and type of weapons aboard, and the basic stats of the ship. This information does not count towards the questions asked of the map.

Essential Functions
Navigator and lookout for the ship.

Role Proficiency
In addition to the proficiencies noted below, you can add your proficiency bonus to an ability check to sense the weather or ocean currents.

Ship Rank Features
I Eye on the Horizon; Wind for the Sails
II Eye in the Sky; Talk to the Map
III Eye of the Storm; Master of the Map

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