Purser in Korvalia | World Anvil
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The purser is an important role aboard a ship. The purser is in charge of finances and inventory for the entire ship. The purser manages daily expenses and the salaries of the crew. The purser works closely with the boson and the captain in managing the ship's armaments and equipment. If a penny needs pinching you can be certain that the purser will be first to do it.

Proficiencies, Starting Equipment, and innate magic

As a rank 1 purser, you automatically gain a ledger, quill, ink, parchment, abacus, candles, and 2000gp towards the ship’s budget.

Role Features

Buyer’s Market


At rank I, the purser may begin hiring crews to man the ship. At rank I, the purser is able to use its financing connections to sell goods at market value easily through the established trade guilds. The purser is familiar with any trade guilds of the DMs choosing and may find it easier to gain access to illegal or contraband goods.

Living Loot Satchel


As a rank 1 purser, you are granted the use of a living loot satchel, which is an uncommon magic item. It functions as a bag of holding and is available in a variety of colors and styles.The living loot satchel is a kind of magical being that safeguards the ship’s funds and valuables. Its innards are connected to the ship's hold and vault. As an action, you can transfer any amount of funds between the ship’s vault, the hold, and the living loot satchel.

Get a Hold


At rank II the purser is able to garner any equipment from the hold of the ship through the living loot satchel. If an item can fit through the opening of the living loot satchel, the purser can use a bonus action to reach into the living loot satchel and retrieve an item from the ship’s hold that fits.

Where’d You Get That?


Sometimes you need something, but you just don’t have it. The purser can sometimes have it -or get it. At rank II, a purser may make a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. On a success, you draw forth an item of your choice on the Adventuring Gear table in chapter 5 of the Player’s Handbook. The item must be of a size that can fit into your loot satchel and be worth no more than 15 gp. Once you attempt to draw five items from your satchel, you cannot draw forth any more items until the next long rest.

Investment Options


At rank III, the purser may capitalize on the growing brand of the ship's fame (or infamy) to potentially lure high-rolling investors to claim a stake in the ship's success. A crafty purser can capitalize on a lucrative investment deal if they play their cards right. The purser gains advantage on persuasion checks to develop endorsements and investments for the ship and crew. They also develop a nose for finding potential investors and may automatically succeed on an insight check once per long rest to assess a potential investor’s level of interest.

Magic Folio


At rank III, the purser gains access to the magical folio. A magic paper or series of papers as necessary which can be magically altered by the purser to resemble any official documentation that the purser may need. Whether appearing as an official license for practicing magic, a land deed, or just a library record. The purser may make the magic folio resemble the needed documents as an action once per long rest. The folio will stay in its current form for 24 hours and then revert back to its original form.

Essential Functions 
Manage finances, track inventory, win at capitalism.

Role Proficiency
In addition to the proficiencies noted below, you can add your proficiency bonus to an ability check to barter prices.

Ship Rank Features
I Living Loot Satchel; Buyer’s Market
II Get a Hold; Where’d You Get That?
III Investment Options; Magic Folio

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