Bannerman in Korvalia | World Anvil
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A bannerman is the communication specialist of a ship, they are experts at negotiation and representing the ship. Life at sea is isolating for a crew that spends long periods on a ship. A bannerman can be the crew's communicative link to the world outside the ship. Their ability to use arcane communication is incredibly valuable to a ship that requires frequent communication while at sea.

In addition to communication, as the Bannerman grows more attuned to the ship, they gain the ability to manipulate how the ship is perceived by other vessels.  

Proficiencies, Starting Equipment, and Innate Magic

  As the Bannerman begins to use arcana to aid in ship-related communications and gains the ability to use innate magic, at rank I they learn the message and thaumaturgy cantrips. At rank I, the bannerman gains use of a crate of various flags and banners of ships within the realm, paint set, brushes, chalk, disguise kit, and a pair of sending stones.

Role Features

Arcane Communicator


At rank I, the bannerman has proficiency and advantage on any insight checks made against a visible/approaching ship's intentions. Also the bannerman gains the ability to offer aid to the captain during any negotiations automatically granting the captain advantage on any charisma based checks during a negotiation.

Beginning at rank I, the bannerman may cast tongues a number of times equal to their bannerman rank per long rest.

Finer Points


At rank II, the bannerman's innate magic grants access to casting illusory script, skywrite, and Ship Mirroring once per long rest.

Call the Hawks


At rank II, the bannerman gains a cast (group) of five messenger hawks, smart, well-trained, and loyal to the bannerman and to the crew. Messenger hawks are trained to travel long distances quickly and can cover 200 miles per day while carrying a message equal to a normal scroll in weight and size. The Messenger hawk is able to deliver the message to a specific person within a known location common to that person, or to a location in general. The Messenger hawk will stay and wait for a return message from the recipient if directed to do so when sent for up to 24 hours before returning.

War Drum


At rank III the bannerman is given access to the war drum, a magical item which the bosun must install into the ship. When the bannerman beats the war drum it creates a frightening wave of sound in all directions. All nearby ships are affected and whoever is manning the helm must make a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or become frightened. Any frightened helmsman must steer their ships to flee from your ship or take 2d6 psychic damage per round. Once frightened, a helmsman must not leave the wheel or he will also suffer 2d6 psychic damage per round. Any new helmsman who takes the wheel during the beating of the war drum must also make a Charisma saving throw. The war drum lasts for 1 minute and may be used twice per long rest by the bannerman only.

Mirror, Mirror


At rank III, the Bannerman gains an additional cast of ship mirroring per day (for a total of twice per long rest).

Essential Functions 
Communications and public relations

Role Proficiency 
In addition to the proficiencies noted below, you can add your proficiency bonus to an ability check to increase the reputation of the ship through communication (bragging and outright lying etc.)

Ship Rank Features
I Arcane Communicator
II Call the Hawks; Finer Points
III War Drum; Mirror, Mirror

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