Tsekkani Archipelago Geographic Location in Koru | World Anvil
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Tsekkani Archipelago

The Tsekkani archipelago is the southernmost part of Ti Nga. It is populated by dozens of small feudal states, each vying for primacy. Much like Aedhin, the walls to the spirit world are especially sheer in Tsekkani, and all manner of spirits can be found wandering the countryside. These spirits, called Kai by the locals, can be benevolent, malevolent, or indifferent.   Before Skyfire, the islands were united under the Empire of Kyoga. During the year of Dark Sun, however, a Maruthar possessed the Shogun, the leader of the military, who then deposed the emperor leading to civil war and the fracturing of the empire. Now Kyoga, the imperial capital, is home only to spirits serving the Shogun in Jinan Castle.
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