Tesgur'á Plateau Geographic Location in Koru | World Anvil
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Tesgur'á Plateau

The Tesgur'á Plateau is a high region located between the Tefhá and Khazgar mountains. It is an area of heavy seismic activity and never had substantial cities, even at the height of Eleyhan civilization. The Via Thovan, a highway running north from Nerua to Thovan, passes through the plateau. Some attendant inns followed this highway in the days of the Empire of Eleyha, but they have long since been abandoned. Beyond that, the only structures were forts designed to prevent the empty region from becoming a haven for outlaws. These forts have long been abandoned and have begun falling into disrepair.   The ruins of the ancient dwarven city of Kabarat can be found in the Khazgar mountains where the Via Thovan crosses on its way to Karetia.   After the fall of the Empire of Eleyha, various ork and centaur clans moved into area. The ork clans practice transhumance, migrating between fortified villages in the plateau and the surrounding mountains. The centaur clans move nomadically around the plateau hunting game.   Travel through the region has become dangerous as the various clans in the region raid each other and will think nothing of attacking and robbing travelers.


Despite the name, the Tesgur'á Plateau is not flat, being covered in hills, valleys, ridges, and arroyos. It experiences regular tremors and periodic earthquakes. It has a semi-arid, continental climate.

Fauna & Flora

Oak (Quercus Brantii), Poplar (Populus Euphratica), Hawthorn, Tamarisk, Mulberry, Pistachio and Almond trees are common.   The region is home to black-tailed gazelles, onagers, mouflons, bezoar ibex, roe deer, brown bears (Ursus arctos syriacus), leopards (Panthera pardus tulliana), lions, jackals, striped Hyenas, wild boars (Sus scrofa attila), hedgehogs, rabbits, pheasants, falcons, partridges, and more.
Alternative Name(s)
The Rumbling Plateau

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