Siyr Character in Koru | World Anvil
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Goddess of the Sigil of Chaos, Siyr is the goddess of freedom and immortality. She was, for millennia, known as the Rebel Goddess because, for as long as mortals can remember, she has been trying to return immortality to the world. Some say this is out of spite: that she wishes to pervert and corrupt her mother's grand design as revenge for some past transgression. Others say that Siyr is on a crusade to right a great injustice, that she wishes to unmake the cycle of life and death out of love for the people.   Ultimately, the source of the rift between her and her mother is unknown. One legend says that Siyr was not supposed to be present at the Ritual of Apotheosis but that she secretly followed her mother and claimed the Sigil of Chaos while the other Korsamu were focused on their ascension, and for her audacity, she was cast out. Another legend says that Siyr did not participate in the ritual at all, being at the time only a child. According to this legend, as her mortal body began to age in the years following the reordering of the world, she was filled with jealously at being left to die while the rest of her family would live forever. And so, she stole the secrets of the ritual and performed it herself, claiming the Sigil of Chaos against the wishes of Nu and without her knowledge. Yet another legend says that Nu originally assigned Siyr the Sigil of Chaos so that she could randomize a spirit's reincarnation but that Siyr later refused and left the Pantheon on her quest to return immortality to the world.   Whatever the truth, few mortals dared worship her in the time before the Schism out of fear of the Korsamu, for Nu's wrath would descend on those who chose to follow her rebel daughter. These mortals alone, out of all the sinners in the world, were condemned to Shomor.   Now, with the pantheon broken and Nu slain, more mortals are willing to embrace Siyr's gift. This is still not without risk, however, as the Sovereign seek to continue Nu's work.

Divine Domains

Sigil of Chaos, Freedom and Immortality

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Divine Goals & Aspirations

Return immortality to the world
Divine Classification
Long and black, falling in dark ringlets

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