Minotaur Species in Koru | World Anvil
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A fusion of human and bovine created by Neruan magic to serve as shock troops and manual laborers. In battle, minotaurs often charge their enemies in order to head butt them with their horns. Minotaurs are fairly simple minded, having only rudimentary imaginations and creative ability. They generally focus on the present with little regard for the past or future. They can often understand spoken languages, but communicate entirely in sign languages which vary from herd to herd but all stem from a common language.

Basic Information


Minotaurs have the legs and head of a bull but the torso and arms of human. They possess much greater strength than humans but limited intelligence. They stand 2.0 to 2.5 meters high. They have strong herd tendencies and naturally work together. Their bovine skulls are incapable of producing humanoid speech.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their human-like stomachs allow minotaurs to be omnivorous.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Minotaurs can see color, but not as well as humans having a harder time differentiating between blue, green, and grey. They can see 330 degrees due to the placement of their eyes but have poor depth perception, and have to be cautious around shadows as they have a difficult time differentiating between dark areas on the ground and ditches.

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