The Storm Petrels Organization in Korthos | World Anvil
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The Storm Petrels


The Storm Petrels ally themselves on various ships with their own captains and mates, but they also serve under a priest of Bandaraga's. Each ship has their own crew, taking with them a divine spellcaster, a performer of sorts, and a tactitian leading groups in conflict. The Petrels also have harbormasters at various ports overseeing regional operations at those ports and dealing with both local law and local commerce. Finally, the Storm Petrels will report to local authorities of Bandaraga when beginning to participate in a region, as they wish not to cause conflict within their own faith and know that their efforts can be inflammatory and dangerous. The core of the Storm Petrels is situated in the Armada Archipelago on the island of Bastion, led by the high priest Shag.

Public Agenda

The driving agenda of the Storm Petrels is to quell piracy and free slaves across all of Korthos. Deadset on overthrowing despots, the Petrels lead their fleets to destroy slaver's ships and pirate's galleons. They believe in freedom from tyranny and strive to free others, bringing freed slaves to their homes or giving them work within the Petrels. The Petrels often show up to supplement navies in conflict against tyranny as well, offering their naval strength to good aligned nations.


The Storm Petrels have a prodigious set of ships and mercantile connections that stretch across Korthos. When brought together, their numbers would equal those of a large navy, but the Petrels are usually spread out, with each ship pursuing their own agenda in a distinct area of ocean, seeking to influence and free as many as possible. They also have quite a large collection of magical items, many of which are "liberated" from slavers along with the slaves, and many connections to local governments wherever they go.

As Free as the Sea

Guild, Privateers
Training Level
Veterancy Level

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