Adaline Character in Kofleon | World Anvil
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Adaline Marie-Jeanne Frances (a.k.a. Ada)

A rebellious computer programmer who smuggles contraband through unnoticeable channels.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Recruited by the rebellion to be one of the smugglers for technology and metal


Highest degree in computer programming


Was hired as a computer systems analyst by WitchPixels in at some point in her life and remains in their employment since then. Has been promoted several ranks since beginning her career.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Built Mokkerkaife and Galatea, the androids, and succeeded in hiding them from the authorities.

Personality Characteristics


Dreams of climbing to the top of the ladder at WitchPixels

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Aces at programming, extremely good with mental math, formidable at hacking, and adept at cooking food without recipes, awkward at socializing with people apart from robots, terrible at driving a motorcycle, and completely awful at following orders and doing office jobs.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves citrus fruit, seafood, likes milk chocolate, very rare steak, dislike, hate chicken, dried meat, tomatoes

Virtues & Personality perks

Mischievous, cheerful, bright


She is seemingly incapable of keeping a clean home and relies on her androids for help. Takes a shower every week. Her androids also do her laundry.
Year of Birth
2419 T.G.Y. 30 Years old

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