Suszeng Academy for Societal Arts Organization in Kōna | World Anvil
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Suszeng Academy for Societal Arts

This prestigious academy is located centrally in the inner ring of Suszeng. Attended by only the brightest pupils of the empire, it has a reputation for molding minds into brilliance and its graduates are often at the forefront of their fields. The Academy, as it is often called, was established even before the reign of the Uniter, Emperor Szeng. During the Siege of Alasu, it was one of the few buildings spared as the besieging forces recognized its historical significance, as well as its potential utility. Since the establishment of Suszeng as the capital of the empire, it has only grown in size and prestige, and now hosts several hundred students at any given time, many of whom travel from the absolute farthest reaches of the empire, or even from other nations to study there.


There is no one man in charge of the Academy. Classes in various subjects are led entirely independently by different professors, who are only allowed to teach at the Academy after gaining unanimous approval from every other teaching scholar. This makes the barrier for entry incredibly high as one must be a thoroughly recognized master in their field to even begin teaching there. For students to get accepted, a similar process is undergone, however students only need approval from 80% of all teaching professors, rather than 100%. As such, most who study at the Academy have already worked in their field for some time, have shown exemplary performance, and simply come there to further hone their skills, so that they too may become master academics.


The culture at the Academy has been described as vicious, extremely competitive, and even unpleasant. While all who attend have agreed to pursue their fields to the highest possible degree, there are simply limited opportunities for advancement in many of the highly-specific fields studied at the Academy, and this leads to stiff competition amongst attendees. However, for those who are able to separate themselves from the herd as distinguished masters of their craft, the rewards are said to be plentiful.
Founding Date
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
The Academy

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