Emperor Szeng Character in Kōna | World Anvil
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Emperor Szeng

Emperor Szeng Qalisz, the Great, Uniter of the Realm

Szeng Qalisz was the first emperor and founder of the nation of Tajj Neta, located on the Eastern half of the continent of Natua. Born to a noble family in one of the great city-states of old, what is now Ka Tajj, Szeng was a prominent member of the military who pushed for the unification of the great city-states into one all-powerful empire. For 35 years he consistently led his armies to victory in his Unification Crusade , threatening any who opposed him with the choice to submit or perish. At the time, some deemed his methods as cruel, but today the empire of Tajj Neta enjoys some of the greatest wealth in the world, and few argue with the results that Emperor Szeng produced. The Tajj Netan calendar is based upon the official date of creation and unification of the empire, which is marked as T.S.I.1. Every year, the month of Gan consists of a 7-day holiday celebrating the success and resilience of the Tajj Netan people, and celebrating the history of the Empire.    
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Date of Death
7th of Gan
38 Q.S. 25 T.S. 63 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in a blizzard while leading an army west through the Gonnak Mountains
Place of Death
Blue and black, heterochromatic, terrifying
Long, jet black
Aligned Organization

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