Arman Ethnicity in Kōna | World Anvil
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The Arman ethnicity consists of people from the Northeastern part of Natua, mostly confined to the area east of the Gonnak Mountains and north of the Tanadszomo Mountains, as well as most of the area around the Bay of Kotok Nas (excluding the Northern Horn). The largest political organization consisting mainly of Arman people is the Empire of Tajj Neta, although there is a significant portion of people in the northern areas of Sōlā who are distantly related and share the same complexion. Arman people typically have tan to slightly dark skin, brunette to black hair, and are relatively tall compared to other ethnicities (averaging around 2-2.3m). The majority of the Armani population of Kōna lives in Tajj Neta, and share a similar clothing style: comfortable yet slightly ornate, decorated with feathers and tassels, with jewelry also often included.
  Ceremonial clothing is highly complex, and is reserved for certain situations such as public holidays, marriages, or funerals.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Tanatka, Poma, Anuna, Ponuna, Tosi, Miymo, Ona, Kawala, Mosona, Kota, Nita, Ekona, Nagma, Szulya, Ponota, Momo, Gowa, Madz, Kai

Masculine names

Tanaga, Tanpo, Kaszmitsza, Nyako, Tanmo, Katsznu, Onami, Kawali, Mosona, Pokomo, Kotatsz, Kawaszu, Kona, Szulyan, Ponto, Arham, Akim, Onto, Szai

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