Session 2: On the Road Report Report in Kōna | World Anvil
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Session 2: On the Road Report

General Summary

The players made it to the Great Mountain Pass, where they encountered a group of rebels who had caused a landslide across the narrow valley passage. They were confronted by rebels who claimed to be freedom fighters, and were forced to go around the rockfall and hike through the mountains to reach Unán. They were led by Commander Matu to the abandoned Fort Mornagat, where they discovered two men living together who attacked them immediately. They killed one of the men and questioned the other, who revealed that they were being persecuted for practicing unlawful magicks.

Rewards Granted

Bag of holding, gold, wizard's spellbook, spell scroll of teleportation circle
Gorlami Boulderson
Report Date
31 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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