Broken Lands Geographic Location in Kōna | World Anvil
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Broken Lands

The Broken Lands is a vast area occupying the northern latitudes of the continent of Natua: specifically the lands owned by the Tajj Netan Empire, east of the Gonnak Mountains. This area extends all the way to the northern edge of the continent, where the land leads right into a sea full of icebergs and glacial melt, giving it a fractured look; this is where the Broken Lands gets its name. The area is largely unpopulated, aside from the population of indigenous Moszun people, who mostly reside in the boreal forests along the northeastern coast, as well as the southern coastal regions along the bay, which tend to be warmer than the rest of the Broken Lands.


The majority of the Broken Lands consists of harsh, frigid, old-growth coniferous forests in relatively low-lying areas, although the area is in general very hilly. Fresh water is abundant from glacial runoff coming from the northern Gonnak Mountains to the West, creating many rivers which run both north-to-south and south-to-north, emptying in Nas Kotok Bay. The region is thus broken up into many separate watersheds, with most bodies of water being frozen over for the majority of the year.   The western reaches of the Broken Lands are considerably steeper and more jagged, and are prone to frequent avalanches. However, they are also some of the more stunning and beautiful parts of the region, with northern auroras often being visible above snowy alpine cliffs and deep, snaking fjords where the land meets the sea.   The northern shores (especially in the west) are consistently battered with polar winds, shearing from the earth much of the vegetation that would otherwise grow there, making life somewhat difficult for the few species that can manage to survive there. The land here appears very similar to the frozen wastes of the polar regions just across the sea, further north.   By far the most livable area of the Broken Lands are the eastern portions, which are somewhat warmer due to ocean currents rising from the southeast, as well as their being sheltered from the harsh polar winds of the north. The East also typically sees less precipitation than the rest of the Broken Lands, making life in the winter much simpler, as solid ground abounds and permafrost is non-existent. Summers here are actually quite pleasant, and have much in common with the rest of the land along the Bay of Kotok Nas, which makes for more consistent, stable temperatures.


There is generally little biodiversity in the Broken Lands due to the harsh climate and the lack of available vegetation for herbivores in many areas, especially during the winter. Whilst the marine diversity to the north and south is quite rich, there are few available niches on land, and most species have evolved some form of camouflage to aid their survival. During the summer, many migratory species do make their way to the area, and the food chain is much busier, however most birds and insects either leave or hide and go dormant during the colder months, leaving only the toughest creatures to remain for the winter.

Natural Resources

Aside from the abundance of timber available in the area, there are also deposits of iron buried in the mountains, which have recently been discovered, but are exceedingly difficult to extract due to the environmental conditions and the distance from the ore-rich areas to any more civilized place. Additionally, while biodiversity is quite low in the Broken Lands, there are several species of mammal which are not found anywhere else in the world, and are highly prized for their pelts, which are fashioned into expensive coats, rugs, and blankets.
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
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