Halflings Species in Knustny | World Anvil
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Often overlooked, but metaphorically and literally, the halflings live among all other nations. A few stand alone settlements of semi utopian halfling societies exist on in an almost pristine condition. Other societies that find these pleasing villages tend to protect them from the outside world.   Halflings that find a spark of interest in the world around, and occasionally about adventure, find themselves in a world for larger folk. They often continue being overlooked and welcomed at the same time.

Basic Information


Short cheery folk, often with a sunny disposition.  Neatly kept hair, but never seem to be able to grow a beard.  This often leads most people to assume they are just children until a conversation breaks out.

Genetics and Reproduction

A mated pair of halflings can produce children.

Growth Rate & Stages

Halflings grow at about the same rate as humans and reach adulthood around eighteen years of age.  They live to less than a century.

Ecology and Habitats

Most halflings prefer to live simple lives as farmers and traders of goods.  Some on occasion take up musical instruments and on a rare occasion one is born with what halflings call 'the wander bug'.  The wander bug makes the halfling join up with rabble rouser's and go on adventures.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Halflings will almost always be found snaking, if not currently at a meal.  They will often complain, mostly politely, if they do not have access to food.

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