Ishin Take Character in Kirin | World Anvil
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Ishin Take

Ishin Take

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ishin Take used the Cremator's ability to exude flames to enhance his intimidating image.

Apparel and Accessories

He wore standard fire cultist robes that he had modified to draw the flame exuding quality of the Cremator.


Take was proficient in Firearm use as well as fire magic.


Personal History

In 728EH, Take was arrested by the Blades of Rizhou after killing multiple livestock near Rizhou with the Cremator.


Religious Views

Take was an avid fire cultist.

Social Aptitude

Take found others with opposing religious views to himself intolerable.
Ishin Take cover
Ishin Take before being captured in 728EH

Wealth & Financial state

Take had possession of the Cremator prior to its confiscation in 728EH

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