Oscar Smith Character in King of the Ruins | World Anvil
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Oscar Smith

the Archon

“Why do you hunt us down? Why must you butcher us like this? All we want is to restore what humanity once had.”   “That's precisely why we're hunting you down. You're weak. You seek to restore something that destroyed itself, you look back to a past filled with corruption and decadence. We are a cleansing fire, burning the last remnants of the old order so that we may remake humanity filled with strength, virtue, and fanaticism. To us, you are nothing but fuel. All those who stand in our way will be reduced to dust and ash, and we will burn ever brighter until the new world is born.”

Physical Description

Special abilities

As one of the three Hunters granted the ability to transform by the Priesthood, Oscar has a fearsome demon form, far surpassing Isaac and Illarion in power and strength. He appears as a tall, faceless, four-armed creature, with the extra arms ending in long, bladed claws.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Oscar had received military and religious training from his father since he was a child. He received further training upon his entry to the Aegis Division, and went through extensive initiation rites upon being declared Hand of the Cult after killing his disloyal predecessor Earl Thompson.


Oscar currently serves as the Hand of the Cult. Prior to this, he served in the Aegis Division, before which he was an esteemed soldier in the Blood Guard.

Accomplishments & Achievements

During his tenure in the Blood Guard, Oscar Smith had displayed great heroism and prowess on numerous occasions, which is what led to his promotion into the ranks of the Aegis Division.


Contacts & Relations

Oscar works closely with his subordinates in the Order of Hunters, whom he greatly respects and views as his brothers. He is particularly close with Isaac and Illarion due to the spiritual bond they have as members of the Demon Brigade.   Because of his high status and religious devotion, Oscar often works with the Priesthood, and is fiercely loyal to the Eye.

Family Ties

Oscar's father, Henry Smith, was a former Hand of the Cult who died in battle and was succeeded by Earl Thompson. Due to the latter's being outed as a traitor, Oscar speculates that Earl planned Henry's death, and because of this, he curses his soul to damnation every night before sleeping as part of his nightly prayer ritual.   His mother, Clara Smith, is a priestess of the White Sect. Following Henry's death, she has chosen to devote herself entirely to the Priesthood, joining the ranks of the monastic Veiled Sisters.   Over the course of the story, Oscar takes the Arch-Priestess of the White Sect, Persephone Rousseau, as his wife. He has a son with her, Vissarion Smith, who turns out to be the prophecied Golden Emperor and leads the Cult into an age of glory over the course of his life.


Harsh, low voice
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hand of the Cult
Year of Birth
2059 23 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
193cm / 6'4"
91kg / 200lbs
Aligned Organization

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