Tamiriya Organization in Khallah Vex | World Anvil
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Tamiriya is a nation of careful, cultivated growth and expansion, often bringing enlightenment, new knowledge and high civilization to other lands. Still, many of those who become subject to their "growth" and forced assistance view them as little more than conquering foreigners.   The influence of Tamiriya seems to ebb and flow over history as it grows, over-extends, then wisely contracts back to territory that can be properly managed. It has held control over most of the Viridian Sea in the recent past, and still controls some regions of the west and south end of the Circle of Civilized Lands. Their great capital city, Axios, is said to have stood for over a thousand years.   Decisions for Tamiriya are led by a unique council known as The Synod of Axios. These men and woman are the most intelligent and important in their various fields, convening to hear concerns of businesses and citizens. They are said to routinely add to and subtract from their own numbers, promoting citizens who show intelligence and prominence in their fields of expertise. In this way, the best and brightest are tasked with leading a nation who has stood longer than any in this part of the world.   Tamiriya is renowned for efficiency and productivity... and beaurocracy. They have basic schooling, improved agricultural methods, and test many commoners when young to ascertain their best direction in life and how far they can ascend.   As one of the few nations with trackable experience and expertise in The Mysteries of the Eight Fascinations, they have used magic to create a number of constructs collectively called "the bound". While these contructs are not uncommon, they are not made in such numbers as to be overwhelming.   Most outsiders expect the bound to function as war machines, and a few do, but mostly they are built to fulfill what are traditional, mundane government tasks. This includes sanitation, defense, construction, and almost any situation where a repetitive and simple set of magical instructions can be effective. This (as well as its focus on efficiency) has led to Tamiriya sometimes being called "the Clockwork Empire."
Geopolitical, Empire

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