Triumvirate Organization in Kealladius | World Anvil
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The Triumvirate is an entity unlike the other gods, it is formed by the triplets that preside over the domain of Law, Order and Justice.
Shariah God of Law
Cosmas God of Order
Eurydice God of Justice
  Sect/Notable NPC   The Knights Protector is a group of mercenary and wanderers with goals such as protecting others, meeting justice as needed and treats everyone equally be they the highest of kings or the lowest of the low. The members come from all walk of life and races for they represent the best even at their worse. In fact most members of the Knights Protector have lived firsthand the horrors of life for once long ago they too were victims. They are a feared and yet respected group for they are known to be impartial and usually gather the ire of the nobility while getting the love and admiration of the peasantry for they know the Knight Protectors will defend them and not sway under the bribes the rich guilty often give to lawmen to make their crime go away.
  The Knighthood was created about 300 years ago when a knight named Harcourt was wrongly accused of a crime he didn’t commit and executed as the scapegoat in place of the nobleman who had killed the woman since the nobleman was the Duke’s son. Harcourt wasn’t exactly the model knight and did enjoy the pleasure of the flesh without regards and had other vices but he wasn’t dishonest about it nor did he ever kill courtesans if they had displeased him. The young man father had worked so hard to get his son accepted as a knight and could not accept that his pride and joy had been disposed in such a manner especially to cover up the real murderer. Months on ends the father planned and plotted the demise and how to enact his vengeance on the Duke’s son, it had been simple really bride the favorite courtesan to put a sleeping draught into the wine and wait. Once alone the father enacted his vengeance in a rather vicious way, the Duke’s son was nothing but a crying, quivering and begging broken bag of bones. Just as he was about to deliver the fatal blow the Triumvirate appeared before him in their winged glory. Little is known on what happened of what the Triumvirate told the Father but it changed his life in such a way that forgetting his vengeance and the pain of his son’s death he reinvented himself as Harcourt in honor of his son. He went to look for other crime victims and together under his leadership the Knight Protectors were created.
  Membership To become a member of the Knight Protector each recruits need to be judged fit for the hard road ahead, that is why a recruit needs to have at least three members to support his candidature and must past a personal test given to him by the Grand Cleric, if he pass the test then the leader of the order will accept his oath.
  The Knight Protector’s Oath I swear myself into the service of the Triumvirate. I swear that I will faithfully perform the duties they lay upon me. My words are my bonds never to be broken.
  The Knight Protectors ranks Grandmaster – The unquestionable leader of the Knighthood, the current Grandmaster is Donovan Crisanti a paladin of Eurydice goddess of Justice
  Grand Cleric – Also called the master of law, responsible for the Library containing all the laws of the known world. The current grand cleric an elf has been in office for almost 200 years, her name is Nearabeth Moonshadow she a Cleric of Shariah the god of Law.
  There are others positions but those are mostly the rank and file of the Knighthood
  Donovan Crisanti was ten year old when he was forced to watch his mother; a sage woman burn at the stake for witchcraft by the local inquisitor. He would have also have died for being the spawn of a witch if by chance had a group of Knight Protector had not arrived in the village. The group opposed the burning but arrived too late to stop it but not late enough so they couldn’t save the boy. Of course there was nothing they could do against the Inquisitor and they were forced to flee the village after being pursued by a lynching mob. The Knights brought Donovan to one of their orphanage to be raised, educated and trained. When he was old enough he joined the Knighthood and raised through the ranks and when the last Grandmaster died he was named to be the next one. Donovan is tall and muscled because of his paladin training, blue eyes and black hair greying at the temple and even in his mid-forties’ he is considered to be quite handsome.
  By BlackLotus30
Religious, Pantheon


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