Elvish Wars Military Conflict in Karte-Caedras | World Anvil
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Elvish Wars

The Black Spider, a political organization formed by the drow and their sand elven allies, had become too great a threat for the Elvish Empire's council to ignore. The first and last civil war of the Elvish Empire was proclaimed.


The elven council tried calling together all armed forces that the houses each privately had formed. This worked only halfway, as no common organization existed and units of two different races could hardly fight together. Most houses therefore kept their militias for themselves, using them as immediate defense if drow were to attack them. The main power in the Elvish Empire was therefore formed by the troops of a single high elven house, Mystraleth. Their soldiers alone comprised a force of 6'000.   Black Spider troops, meanwhile, had a field day. Their perfectly organized and unified army, empowered by great many powerful warcasters, could easily destroy smaller elven settlements and be gone before larger Elvish Empire troops could come and assist. Through skirmishing and sudden huge onslaughts, the Black Spider absolutely dominated warfare. Without the brave troops of Mystraleth, the Elvish Empire would have fallen to drow blades on a multitude of occasions.   Unluckily for the Black Spider, the light elves had a number of extremely powerful individuals. Those heroes set out to infiltrate drow territory, killing some of their leadership, including Sizza Maer'Duth. Shocked by the death of their leader, the remaining Black Spider leaders scrambled. Most of the drow troops fled Oshmondu altogether, retreating to the Caverealm and founding Menzoberranzan.


The Elvish Wars weren't over with the fall of the Black Spider, however. Single houses and most sand elven tribes hadn't been put down and continued the battle as if nothing had happened. In combination with outside pressures, the weak Elvish Empire faltered and fell. The remaining great houses moved out of their territories in 4'157 b. OW and retreated to Silur.   Single remains of the empire all around Oshmondu continued the fight all the way until 3'922 b. OW, battling on as the land around them turned wild, occupied by savage goblinoids or orcs.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
4'158 b. OW
Ending Date
3'922 b. OW
Conflict Result
The elven people split, the drow moving off into the Caverealm to found Menzoberranzan, while the light elves fell back to Silur.


Dark Elf Houses
Other Elven Houses


8'000 soldiers and 500 warcasters
10'000 fighters and 100 skilled magic users


Over ten thousand, as various separated houses were overrun by united drow forces or barbarian hordes


Become masters of the Elvish Empire
Exterminate the drow and keep the Elvish Empire alive.

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