Denise Empire Organization in Karte-Caedras | World Anvil
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Denise Empire


The empire was, most of the time, headed by three marshalls, which each controlled an aspect of governmental forces. In general, denise government was elected, though not always by the population at large.


All through their existence, the denise were very strong in their merchant and naval powers, much like the Cuprien Empire, but in a smaller, more specialized, more dense, and more modern way. Their ships weren't incredibly numerous, but packed quite a punch. Their merchants were omnipresent and rare simultaneously, and had great wares.


At the very beginning, Denise was a trader's guild in Waterfront, on Colupan. After a few disagreements with the mayor there, they took their families and built a new settlement on the coast of the rough Pear Sea, in Colupan. In 50 years, their town tripled in size and was the most prevalent trading guild of Colupan, which was then ruled over by a loose of feudal lords, such as the mayor of Waterfront. A hundred years after their founding, they had the strongest navy of the archipelago (excluding the dwarves, built due to the need to protect their caravans from goblinoids and other raiders. They had become capital of the colupanian states, replacing the mayors and other lords with three marshalls based in Denise, their original settlement. As a measure of the power of this new Denise empire, the Ochebana Empire wished to ally with them. This Denise empire went well, until the Orc Wars started. The Bonebreaker orcs, springing from the Greenwood (a forest just to the north of Denise city, aided by internal conflicts between the marshalls, rapidly took control of the city as they went on for bigger and better things more to the south. As the orcish occupation ended, the town was left with a few hundred inhabitants and an incompetent marshall. But that was when the Meffios came. They were an armed group that had managed to take over Londerhome, though not for long. Ochebanian armies had chased them away from their territory, and the Meffios had fled to Denise. The city was ridded of poverty and the incompetent whilst the Meffios lost their more barbaric traits, and the city quickly rose to impressive power again, with a strong navy. By 100 OW, the Denise empire was more powerful than ever before. The city had been rebuilt, their merchants outstanding, their navy unbeatable. Although the Denise empire had hardly any infantry since the Orc Wars, it had no one to fight on its small island territory, and its navy protected amply. Around 200 OW, they were ousted from Colupan by the Trensandor goblinoids, as well as the dwarven armies. They remained on Bao-Mou for a century, bravely resisting dwarven onslaughts, until they united with the cuprien, forming the State of Humanity.


The Denise empire formed into the State of Humanity.


Across the centuries, Denise occupied territories in general central material plane. The greatest part of the time, they were on Colupan. Most of their peoples were denise, although some chonlin and easterners could also be found.


The central force of the Denise empire was the navy. At its best, it had about 100 warships and 300 military vessels total. Their infantry never numbered more than 2'000 soldiers, but their cutting-edge ships made up for this.

Agriculture & Industry

Denise were the high-quality ship makers of their age. Their weaponry was standard good quality, their farming produces, more mediocre.


The denise education system was very high-leveled. Schools educated their children, whenever the empire was in more settled times, to the best of the humans. Their military schools disgorged hundreds of great sailors each year, and the mariner academies were widely renowned, made thousands of gold coins for the government, and trained a hundred light combat people.

400 b. OW - 425 OW

Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Standard Coinage, Denise Ingots
Major Exports
Their ships were sold all over the material plane and Waterlond, to whomever would pay for these neat ships. Denise armor was also quite good quality, and was sold to diverse smaller states. The denise education system, mainly special fight training, was widely renowned - humans would come from anywhere to be taught by the mariners, elite and agile fighters.
Major Imports
Foodstuffs, as well as most stones and other raw materials, had to be imported. Most came from the Cuprien Empire and through merchant's trades.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Common Ethnicities

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