The World Stone Item in Karnath | World Anvil
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The World Stone

The Champion of Kiella, the Druid possesses the World Stone.   The Druid’s Crystal gives its user access to all the might, intelligence and will that resides within them, tapping into the interconnected web of life that binds all living creatures to one another. They can call upon the spirits of nature that live within the world around them to take command of the elements of ice, water, fire, magma and life. They can commune far more easily with their ancestors and draw on their knowledge and experience. They can draw on more physical powers from other living creatures. The Stone's primary ability, however, is a state of berserk savagery in both mind and body. The user gains the drive, strength and intellect of a thousand men. However, this state comes at the cost of exhaustion and if held for too long, death.


The Stone is part of the ten God Stones that are meant to keep the world in balance.
Item type
Current Holder
The World Stone is completely unique.
8 oz.
Raw materials & Components
The World Stone is a Megyno Crystal.

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