The Violence Stone Item in Karnath | World Anvil
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The Violence Stone

The Violence Stone belongs to the Hunter and their goddess, the chaotic Aslena   The Hunter’s Crystal is far more direct than many of the other Stones. The Violence Stone gives its user mastery over fire, magma, lightning and explosions. Like the Cruelty stone, it can inflame people into a frenzy, but this is more of a mad, uncontrollable rage. It encourages people to break out into fights, grows your strength when consuming and allows one to transform themselves into a dragon. Rather than corrupting people, the Violence Stone instead destroys all inhibitions within someone’s mind.


The Stone is vital to the balance of the world.
Item type
Current Holder
The Violence Stone is completely unique.
8 oz.
Raw materials & Components
The Violence stone is made of Megyno.

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