The Titan Stone Item in Karnath | World Anvil
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The Titan Stone

The Titan Stone is the relic of the Shaman, Champion of Sotar.   The Shaman’s Crystal focuses on might and justice. It embodies uncontrollable growth and keeping the natural order. It allows the user to control plant and animal life and even morph themselves into something of a beast. The Stone causes people to give in to their base and natural instincts, including their desires, their natural empathy and intuition. It strips away all that they have been nurtured to be and would make them what Sotar considers pure.


The Titan Stone contributes to the mission of the other God Stones: to keep the world in balance.
Item type
Current Holder
The Stone is unique, attempt have been made to copy it.
8 oz.
Raw materials & Components
The Stone is a cut and polished Megyno crystal.

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