The Outlasting Stone Item in Karnath | World Anvil
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The Outlasting Stone

Brahena's Champion, the Architect possesses the Outlasting Stone.   The Architect’s Crystal embodies the properties of family, defense and survival. The stone allows its user to call for aid from their dead predecessors and create fortifications from stone. The Stone also allows the user to survive fatal conditions to certain limit and gives the user information on how to best survive an encounter. The Stone can create shields of energy of varying sizes and has power over any form of earth, whether that be rock, sand, silt or mud. However the main function of the Outlasting Stone is a power that slowly grows the bearer's own strength the longer they fight, allowing them to outlast their opponent. This strength can be channeled into physical strength, a manifestation of pure energy, be distributed to allies or even be converted into debilitating afflictions for the enemy.


The Stone represents Brahena's contribution to Vancen's defeat.
Item type
Current Holder
The Outlasting Stone is unique.
8 oz.
Raw materials & Components
The Outlasting Stone is a Megyno Crystal.

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