The Enlightenment Stone Item in Karnath | World Anvil
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The Enlightenment Stone

The Enlightenment Stone belongs to Oros's champion, the Warrior.   The Warrior’s Crystal holds powers over all that which is cunning. The Crystal gives the user all the tools they need to win an encounter by exploiting weaknesses in defense, redirecting attacks and striking weak points. Using it requires discipline and focus. The Crystal has great ability with concealment and elemental powers. In concealment, the user can become invisible, create illusions or change their form. In terms of elemental abilities, the user is given access to fire, wind, water, temporal and spatial distortion and minor forms of healing.


The Stone is integral to defeating threats such as Vancen.
Item type
Current Holder
The Enlightenment stone is unique.
8 oz.
Raw materials & Components
The Enlightenment Stone is a Megyno Crystal.

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