The Doom Stone Item in Karnath | World Anvil
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The Doom Stone

The Doom Stone is the God Stone belonging to the Champion of Idros, the Marksman.   The Marksman’s Crystal is powered by speed and aggression. The user is given control over lightning and wind and is given a supernatural quickness that is extremely powerful, yet difficult to master. Used in battle, it allows fellow soldier to let go of their fear of death and increases their desire for honor. The Marksman being an archer, the Crystal also allows the user to weave power into their archery. They can muster wind to guide their arrows more effectively or imbue them with the speed of lightning.


The Doom Stone contributes to balancing the world.
Item type
Current Holder
The Doom Stone is a unique item.
8 oz.
Raw materials & Components
The Doom Stone is made of Megyno.

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