The Clarion Stone Item in Karnath | World Anvil
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The Clarion Stone

The Knight’s Crystal, also called the Clarion Stone, is one of the ten stones used by the Champions. The Clarion Stone is Bronduk's stone and thus hold an amount of his power.   The Stone holds sway over the masses, allowing highly efficient organization, purging of chaos and makes for a deceptive tool. The Stone also holds power over kinetic energy, able to absorb blows and redirect them back at the opponent or increase the effect gravity has on someone to restrain them. The Clarion Stone’s powers are heavily based on ethereal or philosophical concepts like restraint, order, suppression and collectivism.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Clarion Stone is a Megyno Crystal of immense power, its inner workings unknown.


The Clarion Stone is one of the ten God Stones that are central to keeping the world in balance with itself.
Item type
Current Holder
Owning Organization
There is only one Clarion Stone. Weaker versions have been made to detonate Dying Stars, but none compare to the original's power.
8 oz.
Raw materials & Components
The Stone is made of pure Megyno.

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