The Broker Stone Item in Karnath | World Anvil
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The Broker Stone

Ekna's Champion, the Thief, possesses the BrokerStone and its powers.   The Thief’s Crystal grants its user power over pretty much anything as long as they can sacrifice enough for it. It allows them to summon demons from other dimensions and forge pacts with them for servitude or power. Other powers manifest in three main categories. Control, Death and Time. For a price, the bearer can take over others' will, hypnotize, paralyze, counter magic, charm, poison, raise corpses from the dead, look into the past, predict the future or even stop time for a few moments. However, if the user is unable to outwit the stone or pay its prices, it could spell disaster for them.


The Broker Stone is one of the ten God Stones, meaning it holds part of the world's fate in its hands.
Item type
Current Holder
The Broker Stone is a unique item.
8 oz.
Raw materials & Components
The Broker Stone is a Megyno Crystal of immense power.

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