Karash The Sinking of the Eastlands, and the arrival to Karash
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The Sinking of the Eastlands, and the arrival to Karash

Geological / environmental event


lAs the vampires rebelled in their victory, and supped on the blood of the fallen, the survivors of the eastlands travelled West, and in a fevered dream, Aragones saw a figure, cloaked in shadow, that was the one responsible for the Fall of their kingdoms.   As they traveled, the land shook, and took much of the Eastlands to the sea, creating enormous waves that sank several ships of the fleet, and caused a tremendous catastrophe to the West of Karash.

As the Sanguinary War came to a close, the priests saw that it was a fallen cause to drive the vampires back, and instead devoted themselves to bring as many people to the coast, to sail across the heathen sea, in order to save themselves.   The last ship that sailed from the Eastlands was in the city of Puerto Escarlata, and a historian described that a "strange, sinister laughter was heard from the city, as they sailed the burning port"... So many people had died, and so little were saved; but even then, the boats were so many that sometimes, many people thought they were in a port. Sometimes they would tie bridges across so people could walk from ship to ship, in order to find loved ones, or trade supplies.   It was during these days that Aragones fell ill again, and it was during this fevered dream that he saw a terrible creature: A dreadful thing of mists and shadows that was weaving a thread of disaster for his people to fall, and it was in the North of the Westlands. On the day after, after a ceremony, Aragones spoke of what he saw, and called for a Crusade towards the Westernlands... Silence filled those that listened, and then a thundering roar and proclamation of the knights and soldiers: Non Deorum, "The gods will it". Soon after, chroniclers tell of a divine wind that helped the Crimson Ships to sail faster, and that fish began to gather all around them so they could harvest them and eat them.   Days later, a rumble and a cracking sound were heard from the East. Eventually, the seas began to rumble and shake, ships sank, people died.   Eventually, however, they reached the Westlands, and found themselves strangers in a strange land.

Related Location
The Crimson Lands
Related timelines & articles
The Crimson Crusade (article)