Thellynes Prayers and Saints Organization in Kaladas | World Anvil
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Kaladas, the stolen lands, 193 AN

Thellynes Prayers and Saints

Thellynite Prayers

The most common Thellynite prayer is silence. The length of the silence is determined by the holiness of the occasion. Sometimes a group of Thellynites sit silently in the woods for an entire day, simply listening to the sounds of nature.


There is no sainthood or martyrdom among the Thellynites. They see every member of their faith as simply part of the natural cycle. To glorify one is as absurd as loving one year’s summer or spring above another’s—civilized fools might do that, but followers of the goddess do not think of their experiences, but nature’s transformations alone. Where other religions would honor an individual for great deeds, Thellynites ascribe noble to parents, allies, enemy mistakes, and nature’s favor. All deeds arise from the web of life, which no mortal escapes.
Religious, Organised Religion


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