The Church of the Golden Sister Organization in Kaladas | World Anvil
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Kaladas, the stolen lands, 193 AN

The Church of the Golden Sister

The “church” of the Thellynites, if it deserves so lofty a name, is a loose collection of clergy and holy warriors, all of whom prefer the isolation in the woods to the company of other people. The golden altar to Thellyne in the triads usually stands unattended, except by a variegate priest, as the triads are usually found in the cities Thellyne’s clergy abhor.   Thellyne is popular among trappers, hunters, and those who live in the woodlands, but such poor folk do not make her church rich or prominent. Hidden away in the woodlands, small shrines honor her. They’re built by devout commoners, or by her wandering clergy.   These simple, small shrines are altars made from natural outcroppings, with boughs of trees gently bent into shelves. They are found in serene and lovely parts of the woods, and dark things dare not disturb them. Thellyne is almost unaware she even has a church, and fittingly, the church barely exists. Thellynites revere unspoiled nature, and just as they rarely disturb the forest, they avoid calling on Thellyne, nature personified, so that they won’t degrade her with petty, mortal desires. This is exactly as she likes it.   She is perhaps the humblest of the gods (though Anwyn has a strong claim to that title) and doesn’t avoid prayer out of haughtiness, but a desire to be one with beasts, birds and endless trees. Thellyne grants clergy powers, but rarely visits or guides them. Only the most powerful members of her faith stand a chance of knowingly meeting her in the deep woods, but these are rare occasions.   Yet Thellyne loves those who respect the woods, and smiles on her followers. She gives them gifts if she meets them, but they do not always know that the lone elf, hunting cat or whispering winds were her.

The Loner in the Unity?

Thellyne is referred to as shy, individualistic, and uninvolved with other gods. Yet she is also part of the Unity of the Three Sisters. This mystery is part of the triad faith. The Three Sisters live apart, in Heaven, on Earth, and in the land of the dead. Canelle focuses on individual strength, Naryne on leaders, and Thellyne on the isolation of nature. Despite their differences they are loving sisters, forever bound to one another in the Unity. So it is with the mortal races and all good creations, where individuals and elements differ, but find completeness together
Religious, Organised Religion


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