Jya creates the world Myth in Jyr | World Anvil
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Jya creates the world

1In the beginning there was nothing and there was Jya. 2Though she possessed infinite power and potential she was lonely. The nothing disturbed her and she used her power to create Jyr. 3To her distress, though this new world was rich with the potential for life, it was empty. 4She knew that she could not create the world she wanted alone and she sacrificed half of her power, splitting into two souls. 5The soul-mate to her original soul was named Uonī and they were happy together, for they were not alone. 6When Uonī fell in love with Jya and the two halves of her power were joined Jya found that in this way she could still create life.
With the birth of her first daughter Ȳniǝ the burst of life flooded Jyr. This fresh, new world was wild and untamed, plants and animals crying and vying for their place in it.
With the birth of the first son Ferendz the new born world began to cool, fruit hung heavy and ripe on the trees and certain animals began to create farms and gardens for themselves, safer, tamer places in the wilderness.
The second daughter of Jya was born and they called her name Rylinə. 10Her wisdom was so great that even her mother would not disregard her words. She began to teach the most clever of the animals and they began to have language and to separate themselves from the common, dumb beasts of the wilds.
Tsoren, second son of Jya and last of The First taught the people to create tools and weapons with which to take control of their surroundings and helped them to establish civilization and trade.
Rylinə and Ȳniǝ looked at the world and their place in it and were not fully happy. 13Ȳniǝ sought the wisdom of her sister. 14We have our duties, why then do I feel unfulfilled? 15Rylinə looked and saw that they were created in the image of Jya 16The image of Jya is the image of a mother, we have yet a duty undone.
With this wisdom the approached Jyӯ, asking how they could also create life. 18Jyӯ told them if they joined with Ferendz and Tsoren as she had joined with Uonī they could also produce life. 19When they had done this though their pregnancies were longer and the births more painful than their mother's. 20Jyӯ knew then that her power of creation was weaker in her children and that it would always be hard and painful and dangerous for the mothers on earth to create life.
When Zhysā was born Ȳniǝ's joy was so great the whole world burst into spring, when Yshyron was born he took his mother's wisdom and his father's devotion and taught the people how to heal themselves and taught them to be kind and to be selfless. 22So everyone was happy for a long time.
Zhysā was not happy, feeling her duty yet undone, and asked Jya how she could also create life. 24Jya wept with her, telling her the power of creation was too weak in her and she could not. 25Zhysā despaired, and then became angry, her jealousy that Ȳniǝ and Rylinə had created life and that she could not poisoned her thoughts and made her bitter. 26Using wrong and deceitful ways she tricked Yshyron into laying with her. 27Zhysā's pregnancy was long and painful but she kept it hidden, assured by her bitterness that they would try to take the child from her. 28When it came time for the child to be born the pain was so great Zhysā was sure she would die. Though she did not, the babe was still-born. 28Death had entered the world for the first time. 29Zhysā was horrified, sure if Jya knew she had birthed a dead thing she would be cast out. 30She mourned her nonliving child for many days, calling his name Mordzon, which means Unborn, until her bitter heart thought up a plan.
31After hiding the tiny body she made her way quietly into Rylinə's library. 32 Therein she found a book who's pages recorded that at the end of the world there was a river, and across the river there was a land that had not come to life with Ȳniǝs birth, 33Zhysā was sure that this unformed land had been waiting for her son, for if life could not fill it what was left to do so but death?
34She took the babe to the river but found she could not cross. 35The journey to the unformed land is something every soul would do alone. 36She lowered her son into the water and as the current swept him away to the other side she saw his eyes open. 37He crawled out of the river into the unformed land. 38She wept, knowing her son would grow up alone and would not know her. 39The thought of his loneliness broke her bitter heart and she went to Jya and repented, confessing what she had done. 40Jya showed her the sickness and decay that had entered the world because of her sin.
41Be consoled, For as every living thing will waste and die from this curse you have brought upon it, they will cross into the unformed lands and your son will no longer be alone.
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