Char & Ash in Judge of Mystics | World Anvil

Char & Ash

Book Cover of a shadow in front of smoke
Char & Ash
The Book of Knowledge is gone. Someone is trying to kill gods.

The charred bodies of Mystic Folk are found intertwined on a beach in Dover. Secured by Ares’ Kopis Industries, Judge and executioner Caleb Mauthisen is brought in to find the perpetrator before they can perfect the failed ritual to kill gods.

Caleb was born for woe. Child of a traitor-god, and left on the Altar of the Axis Mundi as an infant, Caleb became the Judge of Mystics, both peace child and executor of the Mystic Truce. Peace Treaty and Ceasefire, the Truce relies on Caleb’s interconnected state as outcast to keep the myriad Mystic Realms in line. But, Caleb isn’t satisfied.

He whispers quandaries of freedom and new life with his cursed Mystic War-Veteran lover Tuija, while they search for the murderer and the one link to the past, which could free them both forever.


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