Penelopia Settlement in Joia | World Anvil
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The true beauty of Penelopia is the sheer variety that can be found within. Around every corner is a new face and a new color, each stand different from the others.


Along with being the richest of the Free Cities, Penelopia is also the most diverse. It should be noted that this diversity exists mainly within the middle and lower classes as humans still predominate the upper classes of the city, with almost none of the Peerage being of ethnicities other than human. The diversity especially shines with the smaller merchants who come from all over Joia to see if they can make their fortune in the City of Bought and Sold.


Penelopia is ruled by an Exarch, an elected position that in it itself does not hold that much power. Any person can become Exarch if they can get the votes, but the true power behind the city is the Peerage. There are 23 members of the Peerage, all parts of families that stretch back to the founding of the City, all of them rich and most of them merchants in some respect. These families are known as the Old Families and each family has a member on the Peerage. These members vote on the laws brought forth by the Exarch.


The city's greatest defense is, unsurprisingly, its wealth. Lacking any great walls or moats, it instead relies on the mercenaries that reside within the city to bolster its rather small army. It is also known to use great illusionary sorceries to confuse and bedazzle enemy armies before they ever reach to city proper.

Industry & Trade

Most inhabitants within the city either work as merchants or craftsmen, with almost every single vare being imported, exported, and manufactured within the settlement.


Of the districts within the city, few are as important as Redcrest and Pearl Barrow. These two hold what is commonly referred to as the gold and copper market. In Pearl Barrow, the gold market can be found. This market holds luxury vares that only the richest can afford. This includes everything from jewelry to rare magical items of all kinds. The copper market in Redcrest however prides itself on being the one place on Joia where one can find any one item that could be found in markets anywhere else. Merchants from all over sell any kind of vare from exotic foods to local trinkets and even small common magical appliances that are also often produced within the city.   The power of the city can be found in the Old and Upper Districts. The Old District holds the University of Truth, while the Upper District holds the Exarchs Palace as well as being where most of the Old Families have their ancestrial mansions.

Guilds and Factions

Along with the Peerage and the Exarch, the many artisan guilds of the city also holds a lot of influence within the City of Bought and Sold. These guilds include most of the crafts that can be found and are often headed by one or more familymembers of the Peerage though especially rich merchants often find themselves as guild masters as well.

Points of interest

The main points of interest for most people visiting or living in the city are the two major markets. Be it the many small interests of the copper market or the grand wonder of the gold market, there is always something to find. Others might be more interested in the Exarchs Palace or the many manors of the Old Families where decadence flows like wine, or perhaps the University of Truth where the finest illusionist perfect the art of fooling others.


People who visit Penelopia as a tourist should expect to get fleeced. They will undoubtedly buy something and it will undoubtedly be overpriced. They will however also likely be dazzled by the sheer beauty of the city and find some of the finest taverns when they seek somewhere to stay.


The architecture can generally be split in two. That which inside the city walls is usually built out of stone while that which is built outside the walls is mostly wood. They are however always covered in bright colors that might distract those who are not used to it.


The city is found in a fairly large plain with the river Felserien passing right through it.
Founding Date
932 AEF
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Bought and Sold
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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