Jaxxian galaxy Temple of the Broken Sun
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Temple of the Broken Sun

Discovery, Exploration


Former Voxian Queen of Aderran, Jane Windbeak, discovers evidence of humanoid life on T'Salizar that pre-dates known origins of life on other planets.

In the year 30 AE the former rulers of the Voxian city of Aderran Jane and Waltor Windbeak led a team comprising of Dr. Rijer Chase former advisor to Waltor during his reign, and Nazkul the ancestor of the ruler of Zakatash.   Most records of this expedition have been lost or eroded to time. However what is known is that starting in 27 AE the team launched an expedition to the dangerous desert planet, back when the Thri-kreen still held radical xenophobic beliefs, in search of a temple that was mentioned in an overheard conversation between Thri-kreen by members of Janice Garza's team. For many years they searched the desert while hiding from the various factions of Thri-kreen.   Then in 30 AE they uncovered a sandstone tower that gave them access into this buried temple. It was there that they discovered carvings and skeletal remains that dated hundreds of years prior to known humanoid beginnings on Voxia. The team took pictures and samples to be studied further by the Lumenarrian scholars. Unfortunately they activated some form of trap releasing the temples guardian.   From here forward the only documents of the following events are the eyewitness testimony of Rijer and Nazkul. In their words a giant crystal golem, with description similar to the Crystolkin beings of Vernos, charged at them with intent to kill. The team fought with all their might but they were old so the fight took longer than it should've. During the battle Jane was badly slashed by the creature, crippling her and effectively taking her out of the fight. Then Waltor, in a rage, began casting a massive spell. He opened all of his magic bottles and pulled out the liquid, spreading it above all of them then lighting it aflame. He began to pull the ceiling down turning the chunks into meteors and pelted this golem with every last one, killing it. Unfortunately this massive attack destabilized the entirety of the temple and it began crashing down on top of them.   Waltor picked up his wife who insisted she could manage and they all ran towards the exit with their findings. Jane was not alright and her injury caused her to trip and fall inside the temple. Waltor sprinted back to help her and picked her up in his arms. Rijer tried to rush back in to help but Nazkul held him back as it was too late and the temple collapsed on top the both of them.   Their likeness was honored in the statuary of the Lumenarres Library so that their sacrifice in the pursuit of knowledge would never be forgotten.

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